4 minExpectations as Servant-LeadersServant-leaders function well in structure and may adapt to disorder to fulfill a mission. Servant-leaders practiced organizational...
2 minShepherding the SheepGod has always protected and provided for His sheep. According to these human and spiritual attributes, His intent for pastors is to...
2 minThe True Example of a ShepherdThere are various descriptions of a pastor, but God is the original human resource Person who designed the position. Any additional...
7 minLeading the Sheep AstrayThere are numerous statistics about pastors leaving ministry in record-breaking numbers. However, Mark Dance with LifeWay disagreed. He...
2 min7 Conclusions to DiscipleshipBeing a disciple of Christ has a lot of components to it, and it can be a little intimidating for someone who is new to the faith. To...