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The Myths of Church Planting

One of the things that kills the growth of the body of Christ is doubt. Killing something before it even begins is what happens most often due to doubt. As Christians, Church planting is something that we need to do more, but the myths of church planting have led too many to avoid the idea. These common myths may be preventing you from planting your own church, and we want to debunk them.

Myth 1: Planting will hinder the growth of other churches.

When we read the Book of Acts, we see how the first church grew. The fellowship took place from house-to-house and city-to-city. Building churches then, in part, built the Body. The church is one body in multiple locations. It is a people who are connected by Christ. Growing a planted church will never hinder the growth of others. That is a non-kingdom mentality that does not reflect who God is nor His promises to us. God wants us to plant seeds, as in more than one, to help grow the church.

Myth 2: There are already enough churches in the community.

Until every person in your community is a Christian, there cannot be “enough churches” in your community. Every one of us should be doing what we can to get people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. One of those ways is by planting churches. Paul’s letters to the different churches in the Gentile world were designed to teach Christ in a fashion that was relevant to the people hearing the message. Your new church in the community can be the voice to connect with those whom others could not reach because they did not have YOU as their leader.

Myth 3: Church planting is not a successful tool for growth in the body of Christ.

Research conducted in 2016 by Portable Church Industries found that less than 18 percent of Americans attend church and 156 million people are unchurched in the United States. If there are at least 5 churches in a one block radius, there is a greater chance that one or possibly two will help decrease the number of unchurched Americans. This same research has found that 47% of America’s unchurched are open to being invited to church by a friend. New church plants have some advantages to reaching an unchurched community, because the individuals would enter the church with no expectations or no traditional views of past church experiences. Lastly, church plants grow three times faster and gain 60 to 80 percent of its membership from new conversions.

Myth 4: Our church cannot support a church plant.

One of the concerns of church planting is who will support the new ministry. Although our first thought wants to go to finances, there are a number of other ways to support a church plant. The years of ministry a pastor, leader, or volunteer may have can greatly help a new church. A facility or space that can be used at a discounted rate or for free can give a home for a church plant as they grow. Even making a meal for the church planter’s family can give them the rest they need after a Sunday service. Jesus Christ supported people in many ways when He empowered them to build His church. These examples are ways we can support new church plants today.

Myth 5: Church planting creates a division in the body of Christ.

The only thing that creates division in the body of Christ is something that is not from the body of Christ. God promises us a harvest that multiplies and unification that can only come from love and fellowship. Church planting builds the body of Christ, and if it doesn’t, we need to look inward and pray for the non-God factor that is preventing unity.

Myth 6: Church planting makes existing churches irrelevant.

Both church plants and existing churches are critical to kingdom building. There are over 7 billion people in this world with different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and interests that can all be used for us to tell them about Christ. Unless a church is not evangelizing and seeking out disciples, they will become irrelevant to a community.

Whether you are wanting to plant a church or thinking about supporting one, these myths are only lies being told; not facts that are justified. The doubt you have is normal and expected. That is why we are people of faith. So take a leap of faith, trust God to guide you and your vision, and plant that church in the community that needs a revival for the kingdom of God.

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